Our Vision
Above all, Vineyard Community Church is called to invite others to experience the incredible love of God. We invite everyone to invest in their relationship with Jesus, so they can get to know him and be transformed by his love into someone more like him. Out of this relationship of love, we invite people to practice this love in the Church and in the world. As people grow in both self-awareness and God-awareness, they are transformed and become God’s ambassadors to the world.

We didn't start here...
When we started, we practiced our faith as a moral code that would make the world a better place and keep us out of trouble with an angry God. We often acted as if God was disappointed with how his creation had misbehaved, and so the answer was to get everyone behaving properly so that God would be happy with us. We knew God was the only one who could transform us, but we understood very little of how to participate in that transformation other than “try harder.”
In time, the love of God touched our staff and we grew into who we are today - energized by God’s perfect love and eager to share it with all who will listen!
In time, the love of God touched our staff and we grew into who we are today - energized by God’s perfect love and eager to share it with all who will listen!
Life with God
Everything in our lives begins with God. He is the center of our community, the One who brings us together, the One who fuels our lives in this world. We live our lives from the inside out, nurturing a deep and abiding relationship with God, allowing Him to shape us, our community, and our expression of love to the world.

Life with God Together
We live this life with God together in community. We practice loving one another well, we heal from past hurts, we work out our relationships in an atmosphere of grace, where failure is just part of the learning process. We welcome God’s shaping hand in our community and we expectantly watch for his invitations to us, both as individuals and as a community that loves God together.
Life with God For Others
As a community we look outward and do our best to demonstrate the love God has lavished on us to the world. We partner with our city to meet needs. We love our coworkers. We tell people about God's amazing love in our lives. We look each and every day for God’s invitations to show his love to the world. This is the journey we’re on, and we invite you to join us.

Statement of Faith
We've shared with you our understanding of what God has invited this church community to be. We live this life with God standing under the authority of the Bible and in complete agreement with the longstanding beliefs of Jesus' Church. We agree, without exception, with the Vineyard Association of Churches U.S.A.'s statement of faith.
Come join us in our journey together...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:00 am and 10:45 am.