Cultivate tomorrow

The following books were referenced in the most recent sermon series. 
Live No Lies by John Mark Comer
We are at war. Not with a foreign government or domestic terrorists or a creepy new artificial intelligence hell-bent on taking over the world. No, it’s a war we feel deep inside our own chests: we are at war with lies.
The problem isn’t so much that we tell lies but that we live them. We let them into our bodies, and they sabotage our peace. All around us in the culture and deep within our own body memories are lies: deceptive ideas that wreak havoc on our emotional health and spiritual well-being, and deceptive ideas about who God is, who we are, and what the good life truly is.
The choice is not whether to fight or not fight, but whether we win or surrender.

Ancient apprentices of Jesus developed a paradigm for this war; they spoke of the three enemies of the soul: the devil, the flesh, and the world. Live No Lies taps into this ancient wisdom from saints of the Way and translates the three enemies for the modern era, with all its secularism and sophistication. As a generation, we chuckle at the devil as a premodern myth, we are confused by Scripture’s teaching on the flesh in an age where sensual indulgence is a virtue not a vice, and we have little to no category for the New Testament concept of the world.
In this provocative and practical book, bestselling author John Mark Comer combines cultural analysis with spiritual formation. He identifies the role lies play in our spiritual deformation and lays out a strategic plan to overcome them.

Find the book HERE
All the Noise is in the Shallow End of the Pool by Mark Victor Warner
All the Noise is in the Shallow End of the Pool is about you and Jesus. It's about following His lead, responding to His invitations, attending to His presence, and letting Him love you. It's about moving from familiarity to intimacy, about living out of your true identity, and learning to live freely and lightly as Jesus said you could. If that appeals to you, if you feel even the smallest spark of interest or desire rising within you, if you long for more, then this book is for you! It's a testimony to the "absolutely unconditional, unlimited and unimaginably extravagant love of God,” written to tease you forward, out of the shallows of a largely autonomous life into a deeper life lived in growing dependence upon God.

If you’ve decided to respond to Jesus—to the longing He’s put inside you, to His invitation to move from knowing to loving—so much more awaits you. Will you take the next step? Will you venture out beyond the buoys? Will you join Him in the deep end of the pool?

Find the book HERE

The Incarnation : Christ in you

The following books were referenced in the previous sermon series.
The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis
In this work Lewis examines four varieties of love, as approached from the Greek language: storge, the most basic form; philia, the rarest and perhaps most insightful; eros, passionate love; and agape, the love of God, the greatest and least selfish. ?Throughout this compassionate and reasoned study, he encourages readers to open themselves to all forms of love—the key to understanding that brings us closer to God.? "There is no safe investment. To love at all is to be vulnerable . . . draw nearer to God, not be trying to avoid the sufferings inherent in all loves, but by accepting them and offering them to Him; throwing away all defensive armor. If our hearts need to be broken, and if He chooses this as the way in which they should break, so be it."?

Find the book HERE


The following books were referenced in the previous sermon series.
The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard
The Divine Conspiracy has revolutionized how we think about the true meaning of discipleship. In this classic, one of the most brilliant Christian thinkers of our times and author of the acclaimed The Spirit of Disciplines, Dallas Willard, skillfully weaves together biblical teaching, popular culture, science, scholarship, and spiritual practice, revealing what it means to "apprentice" ourselves to Jesus. Using Jesus’s Sermon of the Mount as his foundation, Willard masterfully explores life-changing ways to experience and be guided by God on a daily basis, resulting in a more authentic and dynamic faith.

Find the book HERE 
Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard
Renovation of the Heart is an influential contribution from the late Dallas Willard that continues to break ground twenty years after its first release.

Helping us to understand how character is formed and where Jesus does his most significant work on our spiritual and emotional health, this book changed a generation’s mind about what it means to follow Jesus―not a matter of sin management but a matter of drawing near and letting ourselves be shaped into the eternal people of God.

With reflections on the book’s impact over its life from family, friends, and admirers of Dallas, and supplemental resources for the first time in print, Renovation of the Heart will continue its ministry of liberation-by-formation for years to come.

Find the book HERE
Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
In Life Together, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, renowned Christian minister, professor, and author of The Cost of Discipleship recounts his unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi years in Germany. Giving practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained in families and groups, Life Together is bread for all who are hungry for the real life of Christian fellowship.

Find the book HERE 
The Emotionally Healthy Church by Peter Scazzero
In this revised and expanded edition of his Gold Medallion Award–winning book, Scazzero shares refreshing new insights and a different and challenging slant on what it takes to lead your congregation to wholeness and maturity in Christ. Our churches are in trouble, says Scazzero.
They are filled with people who are:
• unsure how to biblically integrate anger, sadness, and other emotions
• defensive, incapable of revealing their weaknesses
• threatened by or intolerant of different viewpoints
• zealous about ministering at church but blind to their spouses’ loneliness at home
• so involved in “serving” that they fail to take care of themselves
• prone to withdraw from conflict rather than resolve it.

Sharing from New Life Fellowship’s painful but liberating journey, Scazzero reveals exactly how the truth can and does make you free—not just superficially, but deep down. This expanded edition of The Emotionally Healthy Church not only takes the original six principles further and deeper, but also adds a seventh crucial principle. You’ll acquire knowledge and tools that can help you and others:
• look beneath the surface of problems
• break the power of past wounds, failures, sins, and circumstances
• live a life of brokenness and vulnerability
• recognize and honor personal limitations and boundaries
• embrace grief and loss
• make incarnation your model to love others
• slow down to lead with integrity
This new edition shares powerful insights on how contemplative spirituality can help you and your church slow down—an integral key to spiritual and emotional health. The Emotionally Healthy Church, Expanded Edition includes story after story of people at New Life whose lives have been changed by the concepts in this book. Open these pages and find out how your church can turn a new corner on the road to spiritual maturity.

Find the book HERE 


The following books were referenced in the previous sermon series.
Empowered Evangelicals by Rich Nathan and Ken Wilson
After years of witnessing the sometimes rancorous controversy between the Evangelical and Pentecostal camps, authors Rich Nathan and Ken Wilson suggest it's way past time to recognize that there's really only one camp. It is unnecessary to choose between the biblical emphasis of the great Evangelical tradition and the spiritual vitality of the Pentecostal and Charismatic traditions.

A new breed of believers called Empowered Evangelicals has arisen to combine the best elements of both traditions. In this revised and updated edition, Empowered Evangelicals examines the teaching and practice of empowered Evangelical churches and shows both Pentecostals and Evangelicals how to combine the best elements of both congregations.

Find the book HERE
Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? by Wayne Grudem
Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? takes you to the heart of one of the most dividing questions in the Church today: how are the Holy Spirit’s miracles at work among God's people now?

Is he still actively giving the gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing that fill the book of Acts? Is he driving out demons when Christians command them to flee? Or are these events confined to the time of the early church and the apostles?

This volume of the Counterpoints series provides an impartial format for comparing the four main positions on present-day miracles (including the history and distinctions between the three positions that affirm miraculous gifts) with voice also given to a large sector of open-but-cautious evangelicals:

Cessationist: there are no miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit today.
Pentecostal: gifts are intended for today, with certain nuances focused on baptism and speaking in tongues.

Charismatic: gifts are intended for today and should be actively practiced.
Third Wave: gifts are intended for today, with greater emphasis on baptism and less on tongues.
This thought-provoking book will help Christians on every side of the miraculous gifts debate to better understand their own position and the positions of others.

Find the book HERE
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
Peter Scazzero learned the hard way: you can't be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. Even though he was the pastor of a growing church, he did what most people do--avoid conflict in the name of Christianity; ignore his anger, sadness, and fear; use God to run from God; and live without boundaries.

Eventually God awakened him to a biblical integration of emotional health and the spiritual practice of slowing down and quieting your life for to experience a firsthand relationship with Jesus. It created nothing short of a spiritual revolution in Scazzero, in his church, and now in thousands of other churches.

Find the book HERE 
The Peacemaker by Ken Sande
Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." But it often seems like conflict and disagreement are unavoidable. Serious, divisive conflict is everywhere-within families, in the church, and out in the world. And it can seem impossible to overcome its negative force in our lives.

In The Peacemaker, Ken Sande presents a comprehensive and practical theology for conflict resolution designed to bring about not only a cease-fire but also unity and harmony. Sande takes readers beyond resolving conflicts to true, life-changing reconciliation with family members, coworkers, and fellow believers.

Fine the book HERE 
Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster
Celebration of Discipline explores the 'classic disciplines,' or central spiritual practices, of the Christian faith. Along the way, Foster shows that it is only by and through these practices that the true path to spiritual growth can be found. Dividing the disciplines into three movements of the Spirit, Foster shows how each of these areas contribute to a more balanced spiritual life. The inward disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting, and study offer avenues of personal examination and change. The outward disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission, and service help prepare us to make the world a better place. The corporate disciplines of confession, worship, guidance, and celebration bring us nearer to one another and to God. Foster provides a wealth of examples demonstrating how these disciplines can become part of our daily activities--and how they can help us shed our superficial habits and 'bring the abundance of God into our lives.' He offers crucial new insights on simplicity, demonstrating how the biblical view of simplicity, properly understood and applied, brings joy and balance to our inward and outward lives and 'sets us free to enjoy the provision of God as a gift that can be shared with others.' The discussion of celebration, often the most neglected of the disciplines, shows its critical importance, for it stands at the heart of the way to Christ. Celebration of discipline will help motivate Christians everywhere to embark on a journey of prayer and spiritual growth.

Find the book HERE.

Being the body : Leadership 

The following books were referenced in the previous sermon series. 
The Five-Fold Effect by Walt Pilcher
The five-fold plan of Ephesians 4:11-16 is a revolutionary approach to organizational leadership. When people use their apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, teaching, and pastoral gifts while working together under the Holy Spirit's guidance, any organization they are involved in - whether a business, a church, or even a small committee - can tap into supernatural resources more powerful than they can imagine, leading to success that is potentially unlimited. Could your organization enjoy that kind of success?

Find the book HERE 
The Complete Wineskin by Harold Eberle
God is pouring out the Holy Spirit and our wineskins must be changed to handle the new wine. How are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers going to rise up and work together? Where do small group meetings fit? Will the Church come together in unity? How does the anointing of God work and what is your role? This book puts into words what you have been sensing in your spirit.

Link to the book HERE
Power Evangelism by John Wimber & Kevin Springer
Drawing from the teaching of the New Testament and with illustrations from his own experience, Vineyard leader John Wimber persuades the reader to "yield control of our lives to the Holy Spirit." Though Wimber died in 1997, his teaching continues to spread throughout the Vineyard movement, through the broader renewal movement, and to Christians across the globe, even those who do not consider themselves charismatic. Coauthor Kevin Springer--also a Vineyard pastor--has found that since its first publication,the influenceof Power Evangelism has been explosive.

Link to the book HERE 
Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry by Kris Vallotton
Learn how to develop your calling and increase the strength of your gifts from someone who has given hundreds of prophetic words worldwide.

You will be sure of your calling as you learn the difference between:
Prophets & Prophecy.
Foretelling & Forthtelling.
Word of Knowledge & Gift of Prophecy.
A True Prophet & A False Prophet.
Old Testament and New Testament Prophecy.

Find the book HERE 
You May All Prophesy by Steve Thompson
The Bible reveals that every Christian can hear from God and speak prophetically to others. This book provides scriptural encouragement and practical instruction to help you: * Discover how God speaks to you * Discern when and how to speak prophetically to others * Understand and interpret dreams and visions * Recognize how prophecy functions in the local church * Overcome obstacles unique to ministering prophetically.

Find the book HERE 
4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler
Use these four keys to unlock the mystery of hearing God's voice for yourself! Transform and deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father starting today.

Based on the highly popular and successful book, How to Hear God's Voice, this exciting new book emphasizes the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice.

Find the book HERE 
Surprised by the Voice of God by Jack Deere
Surprised by the Voice of God takes you to the Bible to discover the variety of creative, deeply personal ways God still communicates with us today. You'll learn how God speaks with people apart from the Bible, though never in contradiction to it. Jack Deere first describes the ways God revealed his thoughts to first-century Christians. Then he tells why God continues to speak to us using the same methods.
Finally Deere tells how accurately God speaks through prophecies, dreams, visions, and other forms of divine communication.

Find the book HERE 
Modern-Day Apostles by Che Ahn
Even though there were 12 apostles in Scripture, there is still an apostolic office and function that all Christians need to know about. In fact, many believers are functioning apostolically—and yet, they are not fully stepping into this unclaimed seat in the spirit realm.

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The Five-Fold Effect by Walt Pilcher
The five-fold plan of Ephesians 4:11-16 is a revolutionary approach to organizational leadership. When people use their apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, teaching, and pastoral gifts while working together under the Holy Spirit's guidance, any organization they are involved in - whether a business, a church, or even a small committee - can tap into supernatural resources more powerful than they can imagine, leading to success that is potentially unlimited. Could your organization enjoy that kind of success?

Find the book HERE 
The Complete Wineskin by Harold Eberle
God is pouring out the Holy Spirit and our wineskins must be changed to handle the new wine. How are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers going to rise up and work together? Where do small group meetings fit? Will the Church come together in unity? How does the anointing of God work and what is your role? This book puts into words what you have been sensing in your spirit.

Link to the book HERE
Power Evangelism by John Wimber & Kevin Springer
Drawing from the teaching of the New Testament and with illustrations from his own experience, Vineyard leader John Wimber persuades the reader to "yield control of our lives to the Holy Spirit." Though Wimber died in 1997, his teaching continues to spread throughout the Vineyard movement, through the broader renewal movement, and to Christians across the globe, even those who do not consider themselves charismatic. Coauthor Kevin Springer--also a Vineyard pastor--has found that since its first publication,the influenceof Power Evangelism has been explosive.

Link to the book HERE 
Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry by Kris Vallotton
Learn how to develop your calling and increase the strength of your gifts from someone who has given hundreds of prophetic words worldwide.

You will be sure of your calling as you learn the difference between:
Prophets & Prophecy.
Foretelling & Forthtelling.
Word of Knowledge & Gift of Prophecy.
A True Prophet & A False Prophet.
Old Testament and New Testament Prophecy.

Find the book HERE 
You May All Prophesy by Steve Thompson
The Bible reveals that every Christian can hear from God and speak prophetically to others. This book provides scriptural encouragement and practical instruction to help you: * Discover how God speaks to you * Discern when and how to speak prophetically to others * Understand and interpret dreams and visions * Recognize how prophecy functions in the local church * Overcome obstacles unique to ministering prophetically.

Find the book HERE 
4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice by Mark and Patti Virkler
Use these four keys to unlock the mystery of hearing God's voice for yourself! Transform and deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father starting today.

Based on the highly popular and successful book, How to Hear God's Voice, this exciting new book emphasizes the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice.

Find the book HERE 
Surprised by the Voice of God by Jack Deere
Surprised by the Voice of God takes you to the Bible to discover the variety of creative, deeply personal ways God still communicates with us today. You'll learn how God speaks with people apart from the Bible, though never in contradiction to it. Jack Deere first describes the ways God revealed his thoughts to first-century Christians. Then he tells why God continues to speak to us using the same methods.
Finally Deere tells how accurately God speaks through prophecies, dreams, visions, and other forms of divine communication.

Find the book HERE 
Modern-Day Apostles by Che Ahn
Even though there were 12 apostles in Scripture, there is still an apostolic office and function that all Christians need to know about. In fact, many believers are functioning apostolically—and yet, they are not fully stepping into this unclaimed seat in the spirit realm.

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