Jesus and the Kingdom - Week 12
This is week 12 of our series Jesus & The Kingdom where we are unpacking the parables of Jesus. This week Mark Stephenson covers the second half of the most well-known parable of them all, The Parable of the Prodigal Son. This week the elder son is the focus. Jesus challenges us to consider that even when we look spiritually healthy on the outside, we can be incredibly unhealthy on the inside. Though it is easy to see how the younger son was lost, it is more difficult to see the lostness of the older son. The older son syndrome is something that can easily creep into our life, especially if we have a misunderstanding of what the gospel really is. If you’ve been in church your whole life, this message is for you. Let’s watch and learn how God the Father calls out to the older son in each of us and invites us into joy.