Inner Healing & Deliverance Prayer

Individual inner healing and deliverance prayer sessions are scheduled throughout the week on weekdays. Our prayer sessions tend to last an hour and a half to two hours and the availability of our prayer team tends to be during the day on weekdays.
At Vineyard Community Church, we believe in the specialized expertise of psychologists and psychiatrists to help bring inner healing. Yet we also know that sometimes what a person needs is a profound encounter with God through deep inner healing prayer. We also know that there are times when true spiritual, emotional, and physical freedom can only be experienced after a person has received deliverance from demonic oppression. We believe all of these tools have been made available to us through the delegated authority of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

If you are interested in signing up for a prayer session, the first step is to fill out our questionnaire. This helps us to get to know you better. It also allows us to pray for you ahead of time and hear from the Spirit about what we need to target in prayer. After you fill out the questionnaire by clicking on the button below, we will contact you about scheduling a prayer session.