Prayer Targets
1. Pastoral Transition
Pray for God to continue to bless the lead pastor transition between Mark Warner and Mark Stephenson. Pray for God’s wisdom and discernment as God launches us into this exciting future for the church.
2. Staff Expansion
Pray for God to send us the right people for our youth pastor position and our admin positions. Pray for God’s wisdom and discernment to invite the right people to join our team and multiply our impact for the Kingdom.
3. God’s Presence
Pray for God to continue to be present with us in a way that is tangible in worship on Sundays and in our Prayer Room. We want people to have an encounter with God’s loving and powerful presence.
4. God’s Provision
Pray for God’s continued financial provision for the church. God has given us big plans for future ministry and future building projects that will require increased capital. We believe God always has provision for His vision. Pray for an abundance that would allow us to execute these plans for the future.
5. New Families
Pray for the new families that are finding VCC and starting to call this their church home. Pray that God would bring more and more young families into our community so that both the parents and the kids can experience the deep love of Jesus.
6. Healing Breakthroughs
Pray for those within our church community who are experiencing severe illness and injury. Pray that the Lord would release a corporate anointing for healing among us. We want to see God release miracles and radical breakthroughs of the Kingdom right in the midst of impossible situations.
7. Church Reboot
Pray for God’s wisdom in restarting the various ministries of the church that were put on pause because of COVID and staff shortages. Pray that we restart the ones He wants us to restart, re-imagine the ones He wants us to re-imagine, and launch fresh new ministries as He gives us vision and bandwidth to do so.